Tuesday, August 22, 2017

It's Home! - June 29, 2017

We bought the white one and it's home after a very very long day. Dad and Donnie headed out with truck and uhaul trailer around 8am to pay for and pick up the new bus. They knew it wasn't going to be easy as the bus hadn't moved in 20 years and the owner had to cut out a wall to access it. Little did they know just how bad the day was going to be. After getting it loaded and making it back out to civilization they decided to stop for supper. That's where they met our first VW guy. A nice guy who chatted to them in the parking lot and informed them that VW guys are just like that.

Soon after leaving the parking lot Dad's truck died. They called CAA and while waiting for a lift, VW guy came upon them stranded on the highway and waited with them til CAA arrived. A comical journey back to Truro with the truck, the trailer and the van ensued where a good friend met the guys and brought the bus and trailer the rest of the way home. Dad's truck had to stay. Isaac came up with Grampie's car to pick up Grampie and Donnie and our friend returned the uhaul.

Finally at long past midnight we had a look at the new bus in our own yard but it was too dark and we were too tired for photos til morning.

It's a 1978 bay window VW Deluxe Campmobile according to the original owners manual.

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